I must confess… I am a “Pinterest junkie”, a “dreamer”, an “ideas gal”, whatever you want to call it, I always have great plans for every occasion.
But… I am a terrible planner.
Well, not even so much a terrible planner, as a terrible executioner of the plan. I can make a great plan!
I have made great plans to make Easter centerpieces nearly every year. But it seems like most years we get to the week before (or even the day before) Easter and I’m scrambling to create something, or realizing I’ve waited too long and don’t have time to create the beautiful living centerpiece I saved on Pinterest back in February.
Well, here we are again… Truthfully this year I ALMOST made it!
I had the plans saved and even scheduled on my calendar. But, I was showing my husband my calendar a few weeks ago and he could see how clearly overwhelmed I was with having a new baby, starting my cool season flower seeds in our living room, taking care of the two older kids, still managing the house and keeping everyone fed, laundry done, AND all the other plans I had in store for the flower farm this year.
Something had to give…
Unfortunately, the Easter centerpieces were that thing.
I’m sure I will figure out something quick to make (I may have purchased pastel M&M’s at Costco yesterday with something in mind) but for now I can share my ideas and see if someone else can make it happen.
First, I’m obsessed with this living planter from Skye at Hamilton House Designs!!
I attended one of Skye’s Hydrangea workshops this spring and have been following her ever since (her instagram is definitely worth a follow)! And this beautiful thing is everything you could want in a spring centerpiece!
Next, I found these ADORABLE spring nest baskets from Nora Murphy Country House !!
I may or may not have added muscari bulbs to my fall tulip bulb order because of this idea…
She even has a video link on her blog post that takes you to a video segment she did showing how to make them!
And finally… this adorable wildflower meadow looking centerpiece!
This is actually one of the first living centerpieces I had seen and have wanted sooo much to make it but could never remember to start wheatgrass 2 weeks before Easter!
You may be too late for this one for this Easter but it is definitely one to keep in mind for next year (or maybe another event this spring!)
It took me a while to track down anything more than a photo (it’s been used as inspiration for many!) but Here is a link where you can get some directions if you want to give it a shot!
I hope this gives you some Easter inspiration and if you have the time to make one for yourself let me know and send me a picture or tag me on social media! I’d love to live vicariously through you!!